“Reading is nourishment for the soul and mind. The first word revealed in the Holy Quran was “Read”. History teaches us that civilisations rise and nations prosper through knowledge. H. H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Ignite uses a Response to Intervention approach to help all students reach and exceed grade level expectations. Response to Intervention, (RtI), is a 3 tiered approach.
Level 1 is all students receiving high-quality, research-based instruction in the general education classroom.
Level 2 is small-group, targeted instruction.
Level 3 is intensive interventions with groups of 1-2 students. This is the most intense level of RtI.
At Ignite, our RtI team is focused on the reading levels of all of our students. The RtI team assesses all students on reading levels. Students are identified for receiving extra support based on their MAP reading score and the reading assessment our team administers.
Currently a team of 2 specialist teachers and one teaching assistant provides instruction to small groups of students. Students who have been identified for extra reading support go to small reading intervention groups instead of French class. In addition, grades 1-7 receive multiple 30 minute sessions per week. Students who were in the 10th percentile or lower on the MAP reading test and at least three grades below grade level on the reading assessment are in the RtI pull-out groups. Students who are 2 years below grade level or have graduated from RtI pull-out groups receive in-class support every week. Students are assessed every 6-8 weeks to measure progress and see if the interventions are being successful. They may progress out of the RtI program if the assessment shows sufficient growth in reading skills. We use the reading resources available on Reading A-Z. All Ignite students have access to Reading A-Z and can be practicing their fluency and comprehension skills.
The students have been working hard with Mrs. Donna, Ms. Hayley, and Ms. Khrisna. 108 students were receiving pull-out reading support during the first term. We recently reassessed all students who have been receiving reading support during French class and ELA class. Thirty one students showed significant progress and leveled up in their reading. Twenty students graduated from the RtI program! After the MAP assessment from last week, we are happy to report that 50 RtI students met or exceeded their MAP reading growth goals! We are so proud of their efforts and achievements! Consistency and frequency of practice will help them continue to improve. The RtI team will continue to monitor their growth and progress and provide any support needed.
In addition to providing small-group, pull-out or push-in support, our team also creates, organizes, and distributes reading resources to classroom teachers. All homeroom teachers have a leveled library and multiple language development skills packs in their classrooms. Mrs. Donna and Ms. Hayley provide training sessions to classroom teachers and classroom assistants on how to use these resources most effectively.
This term, we have added fluency as a focus with our readers.
Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with expression. Reading fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. https://www.readingrockets.org/
Fluent readers are able to recognize words automatically, grouping words together quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. They read effortlessly. Less fluent readers read more slowly, focusing on each word. They must focus their attention on what each word means, leaving them with little attention for understanding the meaning of the text. Students will be practicing fluency passages in their sessions. They will also be bringing passages home to practice. Please have them read to you and ask them questions about what they are reading.
If you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact either Mrs. Donna at d.reeves@igniteschool.ae or Ms. Hayley at h.belknap@igniteschool.ae. Happy reading!
Written by
Mrs. Donna
Actually fantastic article, I wish I can see a lot more blog articles like this!