Islamic Education in Middle and High Schools

Islamic Education in Middle School

Children will demonstrate good knowledge of Allah’s (SWT) wisdom and existence. They will be able to understand and apply the Islamic concepts of the importance of miracles to Muslims. Children will be making good progress in understanding for instance the concept that miracles were signs of the Allah’s (SWT) divinity and that Islamic beliefs give good guidance to Muslims as to how to lead their lives.

Islamic Education in High School

Children can recite Surat Yassin accurately. Most children know, understand and can express the manners and morals of Muslims. Children will explain verses from ‘Surat Mariam’ in the Holy Qur’an and make connections to their personal lives. They enjoy solving problems that reflect real life situations and make connections with other subjects of the curriculum.

Graduation requirements stipulate that 2 credits of Islamic Education for Muslim children is mandatory for High School students. These credits can replace elective or world language components.

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