Ignite Middle School Growing

Ignite Middle School Growing

Dear Ignite Middle School Family and all our NEW families joining Middle School!

As we set our sails forward to another exciting year at Ignite School, as Middle School Principal, I cannot help but think about how we are growing! In 2021-2022, not only are we adding Grade 8 to the Middle School experience, but we are also planning ahead to opening the High School. With all of this newness comes excitement, challenges, and opportunities to pioneer. I am IGNITED to welcome back all our scholars who are the leaders of the entire Ignite learning community. We have terrific, natural-born leaders who are already creating, taking risks to innovate, and collaborating to make their Middle School experience the best it can be. 

At the same time, I am thrilled to welcome into the Middle School experience for the first time our scholars who are advancing from Grade 5 to 6!

I have always maintained that the developmental period that occurs in Middle School is one of identity formation. Our scholars are not only switching grade levels, but they are also going to be supported by even more teachers in subject-specific areas, which means even more partnership for learners and families, and opportunities for our scholars to further develop their talents, skills, and become even more independent thinkers. Teachers and Educators have the incredible, rewarding, and challenging opportunity to change the trajectory of a scholar’s life beginning in Middle School.

A new Middle School learner will need to stay on top of all course subjects with different teachers, and they will need to advocate for themselves in ways they never had to before. There is increased responsibility for studies, higher academic expectations, and still, greater freedoms!

As your Principal, you will be able to visit my office during lunch and other times, and I enjoy meeting with our Middle School scholars to learn more about and help support them with leadership opportunities. Remember, we are pioneers at Ignite School, the Class of 2028 becomes the class that fully completes our full Middle School model, Grades 6-8!

A scholar in Middle School is going to learn more about their own learning styles, develop hobbies and interests, and be challenged to develop LIFE skills. This is identity development, and it is when our scholars begin to ask “Who am I?” “Where do I fit in in this world?” sometimes without even knowing it. Middle School scholars will purposefully read critically, write critically, speak and listen with purpose in order to think critically and do something with their learning. 

Ignite Middle School is a small learning community, the best time to join us, as our teachers develop strong relationships with scholars, with one another and with families. Most importantly, our Ignite Middle School scholars will see how learning is social. They will develop peer relationships in the classroom with others like them, others not like them, and they will continue learning about themselves as a human being, ready to explore interests, navigate the Middle School Experience and be prepared to ask questions, solve problems, discover new problems and ways of thinking. 

I simply cannot wait to see our full Ignite Middle School back with us in August and all our new Middle School scholars to be supported by teachers who care and by the team of scholars who will continue to serve as leaders and models to ensure a smooth transition and an unimaginable pioneering experience to something many others don’t get to do in an older school, create and leave a legacy. The Class of 2028 sounds GREAT, and will join the Class of 2027 and Class of 2026 as Ignite’s first high school graduates! It all starts with this important move from Grade 5 to Grade 6. We do it together. We are #1Ignite! See you in August 2021!

Kind regards,

Mrs. Sharin L. Tebo

Ignite Middle School Principal

American School System

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