Dear Ignite families,
As we embark on this new educational journey, we wanted to give you some tips about reading online. This blog will specifically address how to read an E-book with your child. As you know, Ignite has been using the Reading A-Z platform as part of our literacy program. Reading A-Z will continue to be very important in our online learning. There are different features with the E-books such as having them read to you or playing a story-related games. It can be easy to take the focus off the reading and get carried away with the other features. Here are some tips so our children can continue to develop their literacy skills such as letter names, letter sounds, and more complex skills such as comprehension.
- Recognize the novelty factor. Give your child time to explore the book and all of the features. Once your child has done this, set out to read or listen to the story without too many non-story related interruptions.
- Focus on the story. Ask your child questions about the story. “What do you think will happen next? What is your favorite part of the story?” are good questions to ask.
- Stay with your children while they read the book. It is easy to let the device do the work but there is no substitute for quality parent-child conversation.
We will continue to provide tips for getting the most out of our online learning experience. Please reach out with any questions or concerns you have.
The RTI team at Ignite
Https://Www.readingrockets.org/Article/How-Read-e-Book-Your-Child, Nov. 2017, www.readingrockets.org/article/how-read-e-book-your-child.

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