Extra-curricular activities program
Students have opportunities to engage in activities that promote innovation, creativity and social contribution in a way that is of interest to them while providing a well-rounded education. Students are frequently involved in a range of activities that contribute to the co-creation of value for the community (i.e., society service learning). A strong emphasis is placed on sustainable development activities that enhance our people and planet approach e.g., physical activity for a healthy lifestyle and an awareness of community.
A wide yet balanced range of social, cultural, intellectual, emotional and physical extra-curricular activities are offered across all phases allowing students to extend their learning and interests. Activities are planned by phase level and by developmental dimension (e.g., social, emotional, intellectual, cultural or physical) to ensure a balanced program. Students sign up for clubs and activities that interest them after reading the extra-curricular activity student/parent booklet that is released prior to activity selection. Most activities take place once a week. The extra-curricular activity offering changes from year to year depending on student interest, teacher availability and expertise.