Eid al-Adha


The auspicious Eid al-Adha reminds us of cherished memories for all Muslims. The meanings of this blessed event are manifested in unity and equality: unity that is seen in the Jama’a prayer of all Muslims on one day (Eid prayer) and realised in the pilgrimage (Hajj), where they stand in one place, at one time, and wearing same cloth, supplicating Allah, the One and Only. Except for piety and virtuous deeds, there is no distinction between the rich and the poor, the weak and the powerful, the short and the tall, the white and the black, because everyone is equal before Allah. Everyone declares the same call: “Here I am at your service, O Allah; here I am.” Here I am; you don’t have a partner; I am here. (Truly, all praise and blessings are for you, and with full sovereignty, you have no partner.) Everyone chants truly, from the bottom of their hearts and souls, without hypocrisy or pretence.


Eid al-Adha has connotations in cleanliness, scent, and beautifying for the sake of Allah, as Allah is lovely and loves beauty. As a result, during Eid, we pay more attention to our looks, therefore we dress in the best things we own.

On the blessed Eid al-Adha, the sacrificial animal is slaughtered and treated with care and compassion, displaying mercy and goodwill. If we are ordered to offer mercy and kindness to the sacrifice animal, we must also be sympathetic towards one another and ourselves. Indeed, we must show mercy and gentleness to all of Allah’s creations in the universe, including humans, animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. These characteristics should be mirrored in all of our days and circumstances, and implanted in the hearts of our children and everyone around us,

so that we can leave Eid with lessons to apply in our future lives, benefiting both our religion and our worldly affairs.

Eid al-Adha signifies a desire to engage in social unity, compassion, kindness to family, happiness, and delight in the eyes of everyone we meet. This is accomplished by giving Sadaqat and gifts to family, children, and neighbours, preserving family ties, promoting harmony, initiating reconciliation, ending disputes, purifying hearts of grudges and animosities, forgiving those who have wronged us, and spreading peace to both acquaintances and strangers. It is our responsibility to visit the sick, check on the weak and those with special needs, provide joy to them and entertain children by appropriate means, so that happiness and joy might prevail in our society.

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